Frequently Asked Questions
If you can not find the answer to your question listed on this page, please contact us at info@vividhousenumbers.com or give us a call (877) 821-6182.
We will be more than happy to assist you.
Q: What is your lead time for a custom order?
A: We will get your shipment out in approximately 10 business days once the order is placed.
Q: To secure the numbers to the substrate, do you recommend a silicone or epoxy bonding agent?
A: As each application is different, we recommend looking for a product that will be compatible with your substrate (vinyl, stone, wood, stucco, etc.) and the steel pins provided. The epoxy or silicone should be weather resistant and able to seal the hole you are adding into your house.
Q: What is the height and width of cut-out house numbers?
A: Click here to see the dimensions of the Timeburner font.
Click here to see the dimensions of the Arial font.
Click here to see the dimensions of the Anton font.
Q: Are there limitations to custom numbers?
A: If you find a font you like which is not offered on our site, require a custom size, or need to match colors we would be happy to correspond with you to find the best solution and provide you with a quote.
Q: What is included with my order?
A: You will receive the number(s)/plaque, stainless steel mounting pins, 3/8″ spacers, paper drill template, and installation instructions.
Q: How will my order be shipped?
A: All standard shipping is completed through the standard US and Canada postal service.
Q: What methods of payment are available?
A: We take MasterCard and Visa.
Q: How difficult is the installation process?
A: Our house numbers are a simple DIY project and only require a drill, appropriately sized bits, safety glasses, caulking gun, and tape. Please see the installation page for detailed instructions.
Q: If I require a larger order of numbers what is the best way to order?
A: In the event that you are looking to have numbers for multiple houses or condominium/apartment units, please contact us. We can help you with your project to ensure all your requirements are met.
Q: Are the LEDs waterproof?
A: Yes, the LEDs are in individual, waterproof modules.
Q: How long is the cord of the powerpack?
A: 12ft. long.
Q: Do the LED numbers require hardwire installation or can I plug the LED’s into a 120volt outlet?
A: A 110V plug-in power pack and timer is included in the order. However, if you would like a hardwired module, this is available upon request.
Q: Are LEDs numbers available in other sizes?
A: All of our 12” numbers are standard product but larger numbers can be custom ordered with LEDs.
Q: Can a plaque have LED Lighting?
A: Yes, please contact us and we will discuss design and detail.
Q: What is your return policy?
A: If you would like to return a standard product in good condition, please return within 15 business days. Return shipping cost will not be refunded.